Objects of the real estate take a special place in any system of public relations and at any social system as with them it is direct or economic activities and priority interests of people in all spheres are indirectly connected.
Today objects of the real estate are represented by the central part of all market economy of the country. And it is clear - object of the real estate not only the special goods, but simultaneously and the capital which were repaid, and the basis for rendering every possible services in the market. At the same time it is not only the right to possession the blessing, how many a duty of its effective utilization and the preservations integrated sometimes with considerable expenses.
The market of commercial objects of the real estate began to be formed only with the beginning of privatization of the enterprises. The sector of commercial objects is much less, than inhabited, therefore and it is less than transactions, though all over the world commercial objects are considered as the most attractive. The prevailing form of transactions in this sector is rent.
The first problem is business after registration faces, and it is frequent and before it, complexity of accommodation of the working areas is. The high prices for the real estate do not allow businessmen to get office, a building or the ground area in the property. The conclusion of contracts of sale and purchase of the commercial real estate today - single instances. It is only thing that remains to the business executive, - to conclude with the proprietor the contract of rent.
In practice different principles of classification of objects of the real estate depending on their origin and direction.
1. Office- rooms. At classification business - the centers various factors on which the room concerns to this or that class are considered. As a rule, this site, type and a technological level, quality of a building, a level of the operating company and given service. It is analyzed of area, its ecology and safety, and also presence of a business infrastructure is analyzed. Transport availability is defined by quantity of the nearest transport highways and presence nearby the underground. Traditionally consumers of high-quality office areas prefer the central part of city - it is not only is better from the point of view of prestige, but also availability to foreign visitors possesses transport. In the near future the basic interest will be caused with inexpensive multipurpose office rooms.
2. Warehouses. Warehouse and logistical complexes are an integral part of an infrastructure of cargo handling. Any commercial organization does not manage warehouses. Economic growth generates the increased demand for warehouse at businessmen. In Moscow logistical complexes are in demand, and the majority of the areas in modern logistical complexes are rented for some years forward by the large international companies. Logistical terminals are storage terminals for rearrangement of large parties of cargoes, their operational development up to commodity standard (assembly, packing, pouring in fine container, etc), The maintenance of a temperature mode of storage, delivery of cargoes by fine parties within the limits of city, realization of the operative account, storage of cargoes in a mode of a customs warehouse. Terminals are necessary also to the large supermarkets located in city centre, as peripheral warehouses for sale fine by the gross though in the majority terminals are used as warehouses for storage.
3. The trading areas. Tradition of development of large rooms, passages, drawing rooms of court yard where any visitor could get everything, that is necessary for soul, according to the income where it was possible to come " on others to look and itself to show ", originates in the Russian past. In modern Russia Moscow is in the lead as a global megacity in comparison with other cities in processes of occurrence new and modernizations of old shopping centers. Trade as sphere of an economic life is most subject to influence of economic and political changes. It is possible to count as the main parameter of development of trading sector a growing demand for the functional trading areas. Overlapping of trade and the entertainments, used in the West, has was extended and in Russia. The modern trading-entertaining center-is simultaneously both a hypermarket, and an entertaining complex with bowling, restaurants, bars, with the every possible enterprises of sphere of services, a cinema, etc. The successful locations of multipurpose trading complexes are crossing large motor transportation highways, affinity of stations of the underground and stops of public transport. More often the similar centers settle down in "sleeping" region, or behind city on waste ground near a large highway. The choice of a place for rent under shop is influenced with an infrastructure: the objects located in city centre, but in deadlock streets and lanes remain outside of a field of tenants. The factors promoting success of shops and shopping centers, are: correctly chosen arrangement, correctly developed adjoining territory, the true functional decision depending on needs of visitors, granting of service services by the tenant, good design and registration.
If you wish to remove office, a warehouse, the trading area - leave the application for a site or call by phone (495)--798-32-17 in a dispatching department of rent.